What We Believe
Loving Jesus. Serving Others. Reaching the World.
Loving Jesus
We believe God eternally exists in three, co-equal persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. We believe God created the Universe to exist in perfect harmony.
We believe God gave Man dominion over all the Earth, with the charge of multiplying worshippers of God. In response to God’s love: Man rebelled against God, which forever changed their relationship, and brought sin and death into the world.
We believe God is holy and merciful. In response to Man’s rebellion: Jesus came to Earth to rescue us. He lived a sinless life, died in our place to pay for our sin, and arose from the dead three days later. We believe that anyone who places their faith in Jesus will be saved, and will gain the immeasurable joy of eternity in Heaven with Him.
We believe God has revealed himself to us in Scripture without any mixture of error.
Serving Others
We believe that while on Earth, Jesus established the Church as His chosen method of preaching the Gospel, serving those in need, and cultivating a vibrant faith among believers.
We believe that all followers of Jesus must belong to a local church. All followers of Jesus within the local church must strive for unity within the church.
Reaching The World
We believe that God desires for every man, woman, and child to be saved. We believe that Jesus is the only way to be saved. Therefore, anyone who has not placed their faith in Jesus will be subject to eternity in Hell.
We believe it is the duty and privilege of the Church to take the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ, to the lost wherever they may be.